I went to Ellis Island with my grandparents and some cousins a few days ago. My grandfathers parents were poor Irish immegrants, and my great grandmother came over after both her parents died of the 1918 spanish flu epidemic. The other side of my family passed through on their trips to Europe, and they went first class, not in steerage with the Irish.
Thursday, November 23, 2006
The main waiting hall where millions of new americans waited to be accepted into the country. This is the only room in the world that I know both of my great grandfathers have been in.
Monday, November 13, 2006
The GW on Veterans Day
I've lived in the same place for the last year and a half, and this whole time I've never seen both sides of the George Washington bridge lit up. They've been working on installing the lights for a while, and one side would get lit up but not the other. Veterans Day was the first day that they lit up both sides of the bridge, and it looked pretty amazing! I don't know what the deal with this is going to be. Is the bridge going to be lit up all the time, or just on holidays? Both sides have been turned off since.
Wednesday, November 08, 2006
Library Part II
This is a photo of the 42nd Street library that I didn't post before. I don't know why. I think that it really shows off how much the inside of this thing looks like a castle. Blogger has been acting funny lately, and I've been having trouble seeing the html buttons in the posting frame. I've recently posted the link to this site on some travel boards, but I don't think that i have any regular readers yet, besides the few friends that i've sent the link to.